Wednesday, January 27, 2010

simple things..

It's time again for the simple things... Christina over at Soul Aperture is hosting it and this time for a really good cause, for every blogger that participates her family will donate a $1.00 to doctors without borders for Haiti relief. What a noble idea, doesn't surprise me...she has a heart of gold and a soul that soars miles high... Thank you Christina, love you :)

So here is my list of the simple things that make my soul sing each day...

sunlight as it changes through the day..
peaceful moments..
a stranger's smile as they pass you by..
the scent of nature..
shadows as they dance on the walls..
memories that warm my heart and make me smile..
a good laugh with my boys..
movie nights all cuddled on the sofa..
walking through isles at the bookstore..
the boys gravitating to the kitchen as I cook..
long conversations with a good friend..
five extra minutes of sleep in the morning..
my 16 year old blowing me a kiss as I drop him off at school..
the colors and textures on oil paintings..
and a few kind words exchanged amongst strangers..

Please play along today...and stop to appreciate the simple things in your lives..
Stop by at Christina's for more simple things

please let her know if you are playing along so that she can link your page as well :)


  1. Hello, Marinik, and thank you for your list! Two of your things remind me of something my mom used to say: A smile can make a stranger's day, a kind word their week, a hug that lingers a lifetime. (And, yes, hugs and kisses from teen-aged sons certainly hits the soft spot in my heart...)

  2. What beautiful thoughts here! I love the smile from a stranger - it makes me smile then i see another stranger and pass it along - kind of like these beautiful simple gifts!

    Thanks for putting this beauty out to the world - we so need it!

  3. Your list is wonderful! I relate well, and I especially like: sunlight as it changes through the day, shadows as they dance on the walls, and walking through isles at the bookstore. Those are things I enjoy too!

  4. i love that your 16 yea old blows you a kiss, that makes me melt.

  5. Shadows on the wall...what a great one! Your list is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  6. the light of the sun is sooo captivating.

    thanks for this post...and for the visit today.

    one love.

  7. Those are wonderful, simple things to carry with you. I love the photo - it lifts my spirits higher. Cheers ~ Conny

  8. Loving your photograph (and the photograph in the blog banner!!). Your list is know the things that truly make up the joy in life and you inspire me constantly!! xoxox

  9. what a beautiful photo. i want to walk along those trees with you. and lean more about you... and your life... and hear your stories about love.
    blowing kisses~ he is too sweet.
    : )

  10. oh the blowing kisses really got me marinik...i feel the love from this post and simple photo!

  11. Beautiful photos, love your list and I am a new follower to your blog. take care, nice to meet you.

  12. your simple things are wonderful!
    and your header picture... right when I loaded your page, I was blown away by it!

  13. Hi Marinik!
    I love your list especially the one about your sixteen year old blowing you a kiss. So sweet!
    This is my first visit here and I have been moved by reading some of your posts about your husband and just wanted to say how sorry I am. I am a stranger sending you a smile:)

  14. What a lovely list - especially loved the ones about your children and walking in a bookstore.
    Thanks so much for stopping by.
    Take care.

  15. i hope my kids continue to blow me kisses when they are in their teens.

  16. "sunlight as it changes through the day...." Spoken just like a photographer!



  17. A wonderful list! Nothing warms the heart quite like the love of your children! My son just learned to blow kisses and it is beyond charming. And he is the only one who can tell me I'm beautiful and I actually believe it!

    Thanks for the visit.

  18. Oh, I love your list. Don't children just make every joy sweeter?

  19. Angela Khacheryan MannOctober 2, 2010 at 10:02 AM

    Thank you for this much needed awesome inspiration this morning :)
